Simplicity itself, the fur fly comes into its own early in the season in Tasmania and throughout Australia during mudeye migrations. When fish are tailing or simply feeding in close to the shore, fish this fly with medium length pulls on the end of a short leader. Make the fly land with a good splat and draw it immediately when fishing blind. When frogs abound, the fly is indispensable. It can also be fished static when fish are spooky and many fish will eat it ‘dry’ as it sits in the surface film. The fly is designed to sink extremely slowly enabling you to lead to the fish by a good distance and still have it up off the bottom when the trout arrives. The Fur Fly can also be used on the top dropper of a team when fishing in lakes with good mudeye migrations. Slow, steady pulls are best, using a line that sinks at three inches per second or less. It has a great “mudeye silhouette” and also works well at night. Barbless.